Innovative Activity Of The Enterprise In The Financial Safety System Management Of The Enterprise


  • T.V. Novikova
  • M.V. Pashkevych


Ключові слова:

innovative activity, financial security of the enterprise, innovations, innovation development, enterprise


This article discusses the problems of  innovation  in  the  enterprise  in  the  financial security management system. Analyzed  the  theoretical  and  methodological provisions  and  approaches  to  innovation  in  the inancial  security  management  of  PJSC  «Kharkiv Biscuit Factory». Identified and justified the need for the concept, the  role  and  importance  of  innovation  in  the financial  security  management  system  of  the enterprise,  and  the  main  factors  that  affect  it,  as well as the introduction of the main ways to improve innovation  to  ensure  the  financial  security  of  the enterprise.


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