The theory and practice of creative economy in the conditions of digitalization



Ключові слова:

Creativity, creative economy, creative industries, creative capital, the index of creativity, index of activity of creative industry, digital technology


The article deals with the prerequisites and generalizes approaches to defining the concept of “creative economy”; on the theoretical basis and practices of creative economy in leading countries of the world an internals and the main principles of its development are identified; genesis of the concept of creative economy is considered; goals, policies, implementation practices in countries around the world are systematized. The position of Ukraine and other countries of the world in the ranking of the global index of creativity are characterized; features of the creative industry in Ukraine are revealed; index of activity of the creative industry of Ukraine is calculated, which indicates a stable tendency of its development.  Potentials of digital technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, blockchain technology, to the transformation of creative economy are grounded.


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